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The Beavers Journey

Defining personas 
To define the final users of this digital website we have run a digital workshop with the exhibition owners and the museum to ask the "profile" of visitors they usually have in the exhibition and the needs they had.

We could see that 90% of the visitors of this exhibition was school programs in the science subject. From this information we created our end users personas that we focused our centred design prototypes: Anne, Mark and Siri.

How Might We
Before starting the sketches of the wireframes and the ideation process it was important to define how might we solve the user problems. To do so we created a "How Might We" session to solve how we could adapt the exhibition to our final users (Anne and Mark). Here you can see the result of this session. The big parts we needed to have in mind it´s "how migh we create the digital content of The Beavers Journey fun?" and "how might we separate the children content to the extensive content?"
For the ideation phase that was the questions we had on main to create solutions.
Low Fidelity Wireframes
In the ideation process we find out that the best way to present this content was:

1) Showing the exhibitions phases with an interactive map. Creating a digital version of a  give us the chance to create a interactive map that could be visual and fun for the kids. Also the could understand better the " real journey on map" from Norway to Finland.

2) Audio option for small kids (under 5) and for Accessibility. To make sure that our young persona (Siri) could understand and follow the full story, we aded a audio option, where the kids that doesn't know to read yet could follow the full story.

3) Kids view vs. Advance content. The challenge of this exhibition is that we had two different contents: the Kids reading / Advance content (for teachers or older kids). We need it to find a user friendly way to show both contents at the same time but giving priority to the kids content. To do so, we created a "slide up-slide down" for the different content, so you could choose if you want an extended information or not in each phase.
Responsive Design 
Having in mind that mostly of the schools in Norway use Chrombooks and tablets, it was important to create a responsive website where all the elements on the side (interaction map, kids content and advance content) worked well and without problems with all devices (mobile, tablet and laptop)
So the design have been created thinking to be responsive in different devices. 
to engage kids
To engage kids and make them feel part of the "Beavers Journey" we make them choose one of the beavers at the begging of the User Flow, so they might feel they are part of this adventure.

That might make them feel they are taking the decisions during their experience.
High Fidelity Wireframes
For the high fidelity wireframes we followed the same colour palette and same design guidelines. The illustrator of the exhibition created new illustrations to implement on the map. For the high-fidelity prototypes we added some animations on the map, so we could use the map to show the content of the story. 

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